
By Susan Jaffe

October 15, 2012, 6:00 AM   KAISER HEALTH NEWS

Today, Medicare beneficiaries can begin choosing their drug and medical coverage for 2013, and most seniors are expected to stick with the same policies they have already, despite price changes and a rating system that shows some plans may be better than others. Seniors have been reluctant to change plans, even if there are cheaper or better-rated alternatives, according to recent studies and seniors advocates.  Beneficiaries also tend to stay with the same insurers: This year more than a third of those in Medicare Advantage plans, which provide medical and drug coverage, chose policies from just two insurers, UnitedHealthcare or Humana.

The ratings are based on information reported by the plans, from Medicare records, and a yearly survey of some beneficiaries. Participation in the surveys is voluntary and anonymous but insurers are concerned that too many seniors opt out.  [more]

Enrollment Season Opens For Medicare Advantage And Drug Plans

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