
By Susan Jaffe   |   October 11, 2013, 6:24 pm   

Shirley Mierzejewski was “very upset” when she found out her Medicare health insurance premiums will nearly double next year.

“I cannot afford that, I cannot,” said Ms. Mierzejewski, 77, who lives in Euclid, Ohio, and works part time as a receptionist at a local college. She has a private Medicare  Advantage policy from Anthem, which provides drug and medical coverage.

“So I started thinking about the marketplaces,” she said, referring to the online insurance exchanges created by the Affordable Care Act. “Maybe I could find something cheaper there.”

While thousands of Americans are trying to sign up for insurance on the exchanges, Medicare counselors like Semanthie

Brooks, who spoke at the meeting Monday in Euclid, are trying to steer seniors away. They worry that Ms. Mierzejewski  and other older adults may not realize that Medicare is a pretty good deal compared to exchange policies and may try to buy one anyway.

…To clear up confusion in Montgomery County, Md., officials held meetings at six centers for the elderly. “They want to know if they are better off in the exchange than in Medicare,” said Leta Blank, director of the Montgomery County State Health Insurance Assistance Program. “Everyone is looking for a less expensive way to get health care.”

So in a year in which the insurance market is being turned upside down, here are some shopping tips for people with Medicare and caregivers. MORE

Q & A: Medicare and the Insurance Exchanges

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