Medicare Modifies Controversial Hospice Drug Rule

By Susan Jaffe   |  July 18th, 2014 |  KAISER HEALTH NEWS     

In response to strong criticism, Medicare officials are modifying rules intended to prevent the agency from paying twice for the same prescriptions for seniors receiving hospice care.

Under the rules that took effect in May, hospice patients or their families could not fill prescriptions through their Part D drug plans until first confirming that the prescriptions were not covered by hospice providers. Drugs related to palliative and comfort care are supposed to be covered under the fixed rate payments to the hospice.

Medicare announced Friday that the rules would be revised so that the additional authorization would be required for only four types of medications: pain relievers, anti-nauseants, laxatives, and anti-anxiety drugs that are “nearly always” considered hospice-related.

“Medicare really tried to address our concerns quickly and effectively,” said Terry Berthelot, a senior attorney at the Center for Medicare Advocacy. [MORE]

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