Biden’s first legislative victory: $1·9 trillion for COVID-19

Volume 397, Issue 10279
20 March 2021

WORLD REPORT US President Joe Biden’s first legislative triumph will fund the COVID-19 response and economic recovery, and address social determinants of health. Susan Jaffe reports from Washington, DC. 

By narrowly approving a massive COVID-19 response and economic relief package last week, Democrats in Congress handed President Joe Biden his first legislative victory after only 50 days in the White House. The US$1·9 trillion, 628-page, American Rescue Plan Act is a signature achievement so monumental that it has been compared to President Lyndon B Johnson’s sweeping Great Society legislation that raised many Americans out of poverty, with a safety net of social and health services, including the Medicare and Medicaid insurance programmes.

…As the government begins to roll out these benefits, Biden promised “fastidious oversight to make sure there’s no waste or fraud, and the law does what it’s designed to do. And I mean it: we have to get this right… because we have to continue to build confidence in the American people that their government can function for them and deliver.” [Full story with “where the money goes” sidebar here.]


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