Category: The Lancet


lancet cover 2    Volume 380, Issue 9855, Pages 1727 – 1728, 17 November 2012

WORLD REPORT    Implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is unlikely to run smoothly despite the Nov 6 election result. Susan Jaffe reports from Washington, DC.

Just 3 days after President Barack Obama’s re-election preserved his signature legislative achievement, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), his administration reset a deadline for states to take a crucial step toward implementing it. The delay in the wake of the health law’s dramatic affirmation—first by the US Supreme Court and then at the polls—is another reminder that the way forward may still encounter obstacles, even if the most serious threat was eliminated on Nov 6. [MORE]   [PDF]



A new law passed in July to strengthen the work of the US Food and Drug Administration may hit some serious barriers to implementation. Susan Jaffe reports from Washington, DC.

image WORLD REPORT   Volume 380, Issue 9852, Pages 1458 – 1459, 27 October 2012

The massive drug and medical device safety bill that won extraordinary near-unanimous support in the US Congress—despite a budget crisis and a contentious political campaign—is facing major challenges less than 3 months after President Barack Obama signed it into law in July. And in the process, prospects may be fading for additional reforms. [MORE]


image Volume 380, Issue 9848, Pages 1133 – 1134, 29 September 2012

WORLD REPORT  Comprehensive domestic health-care reform is one of the top defining issues in the campaign, overshadowing global health. Susan Jaffe reports from Washington, DC.

President Barack Obama and his rival Republican Mitt Romney would agree that the American health-care system is unsustainable, providing some of the world’s most expensive and yet fragmented care. But as they campaign for the presidency, the two candidates offer profoundly different solutions.

“The Affordable Care Act helps make sure you don’t have to worry about going broke just because one of your loved ones gets sick”, said Obama, describing his signature legislative achievement at a recent campaign stop in Colorado. “I don’t think a working mom in Denver should have to wait to get a mammogram just because money is tight”, he continued. “That’s why we passed this law. It was the right thing to do.” [more, as PDF]  


lancet cover 2

Volume 380, Issue 9846,  15 September 2012


WORLD REPORT   Additional new health benefits for women began under the US Affordable Care Act last month, which experts hope will remain after the Nov 6 election. Susan Jaffe reports from Washington, DC. 

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney promises to dismantle President Barack Obama’s landmark health-care reform law if elected. But as the presidential campaign progresses, various provisions of the law continue to kick into gear…. [more]
Panel: Abortion and the Affordable Care Act

In the final days of the congressional health reform debate, abortion coverage nearly derailed the legislation…. [more]



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The US Supreme Court decided last week that most provisions in the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act were constitutional. Susan Jaffe reports from Washington, DC.
Last week’s historic ruling by the US Supreme Court preserving nearly all of President Barack Obama’s landmark health law may have finally settled some legal questions, only to shift a re-energised debate about improving the American health-care system to the political arena.In addition to providing health coverage to some 32 million uninsured Americans, other changes in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will affect nearly every patient as it overhauls the US$2·7 trillion health-care system.  MORE




image Volume 379, Issue 9828, Page 1775, 12 May 2012

The US Food and Drug Administration is calling for greater reliance on global partners to improve the safety of America’s foreign imports. Susan Jaffe reports from Washington, DC.

In its latest effort to promote a global strategy for protecting Americans against unsafe imported pharmaceutical, food, and medical products, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has called for unprecedented international cooperation to cope with seemingly overwhelming challenges. FULL STORY