Alex Azar’s controversial qualifications

Susan Jaffe | Washington Correspondent for The Lancet | 27th December 2017

When President Donald Trump nominated Alex Azar last month to lead the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), supporters said his experience working in government and the pharmaceutical industry more than qualified him for the job. … the-lancet-usa-blog-logo1But critics say Azar has the wrong kind of experience. When he appeared before Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) last month, the committee’s senior Democrat Patty Murray of Washington said if Azar runs HHS then “the fox is guarding the hen house.” [Continued here]

US Children’s Health Insurance Program in jeopardy

 Volume 390, Number 10114   
 23/30 December 2017


WORLD REPORT    Without adequate federal funding, CHIP is on the verge of collapse in several states. Susan Jaffe, The Lancet’s Washington correspondent, reports.

Whoever would have thought that health care for children—that has support on both sides of the aisle—would be in this situation?” asked Deborah Oswalt, executive director of the Virginia Health Care Foundation.  [full story here]



Trump administration begins to confront the opioid crisis

 Volume 390, Number 10108   
11 November 2017


WORLD REPORT    As the Presidential Commission releases its recommendations, Trump moves closer to defining his policies against the opioid epidemic  Susan Jaffe, The Lancet’s Washington correspondent, reports.  

“Having failed to recognise how this epidemic was going to grow in proportion and take vigorous enough action, we need to be willing to be far more vigorous so we don’t continue with that mistake,” said Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb.   [full story here]


A Few Pointers To Help Save Money And Avoid The Strain Of Medicare Enrollment

By Susan Jaffe | Kaiser Health News | Oct. 17, 2017 | This article also ran in   and 

Older or disabled Americans with Medicare coverage have probably noticed an uptick in mail solicitations from health insurance companies, which can mean only one thing: It’s time for the annual Medicare open enrollment.

Most beneficiaries have from Oct. 15 through Dec. 7 to decide which of dozens of private plans offer the best drug coverage for 2018 or whether it’s better to leave traditional Medicare and get a drug and medical combo policy called Medicare Advantage.

Some tips for the novice and reminders for those who have been here before can make the process a little easier. [Continued at Kaiser Health NewsUSA Today and The Washington Post]

Money-Saving Offer For Medicare’s Late Enrollees Is Expiring. Can They Buy Time?

By Susan Jaffe  | Kaiser Health News | September 22, 2017 | This KHN story also ran on     

[UPDATE: Since this article was published, Medicare officials extended the deadline for applying for an exemption to the Part B late enrollment penalty to Sept. 30, 2018. The announcement came in a fact sheet posted on Oct. 12, 2017.]

Many older Americans who have Affordable Care Act insurance policies are going to miss a Sept. 30 deadline to enroll in Medicare, and they need more time to make the change, advocates say.

A lifetime of late enrollment penalties typically await people who don’t sign up for Medicare Part B — which covers doctor visits and other outpatient services — when they first become eligible. That includes people who mistakenly thought that because they had insurance through the ACA marketplaces, they didn’t need to enroll in Medicare.

Medicare officials are offering to waive those penalties under a temporary rule change that began earlier this year, but the deal ends Sept. 30.

On Wednesday, more than 40 groups, including consumer health advocacy organizations and insurers, asked Medicare chief Seema Verma to extend the waiver deadline through at least Dec. 31, because they are worried that many people who could be helped still don’t know about it. [Continued at Kaiser Health News and NPR]

The ACA after the expiry of the budget reconciliation

 Volume 390, Number  10104
 14 October 2017

WORLD REPORT    After the latest repeal bill was withdrawn and the budget reconciliation has expired, what does the future hold for the ACA?  Susan Jaffe, The Lancet’s Washington correspondent, reports.  

Republicans claim the ACA isn’t working and point to the rising cost of monthly premiums and the various counties across the USA where only one or two insurers offer coverage through the ACA’s online insurance marketplaces.“[But] they’re not letting it fail, they’re making it fail,” said Stan Dorn, a senior fellow at Families USA, a consumer advocacy group that worked to help pass the ACA. [Continued here]

High stakes for research in US 2018 budget negotiations

Volume 390, Number  10099
 9 September 2017

WORLD REPORT    As Congress considers how to fund the government next year, scientists hope spending for research will not be curtailed. Susan Jaffe, The Lancet’s Washington correspondent, reports.  

The dramatic defeat of the Republicans’ Affordable Care Act (ACA) repeal legislation still looms over the US Capitol as Congress reconvenes this month for more tough decisions, including many that will affect health and science research programmes.  …The prospects for science funding will depend on competing budget pressures and political fissures. “There are a lot of moving parts and a lot of uncertainty”, said Matt Hourihan, at the American Association for the Advancement of Science. “And while a spending deal [agreement] is certainly possible, it’s hard to see how they get there from here.” [Continued here]

Counting On Medicaid To Avoid Life In A Nursing Home? That’s Now Up To Congress.

By Susan Jaffe | KAISER  HEALTH  NEWS | July 31, 2017 |This story also ran in 

Ten years ago, a driver ran a stop sign as Jim McIlroy rode into the intersection on his motorcycle. Serious injuries left McIlroy paralyzed from the chest down. But, after spending some time in a nursing home, he returned to his home near Bethel, Maine.

McIlroy does most of his own cooking since Maine’s Medicaid program paid for a stovetop that he can roll his wheelchair underneath to reach the food-prep area. His

Esther Ellis received a new mattress earlier this year from Partners in Care, a nonprofit that runs four of the dozens of sites in California’s Multipurpose Senior Services Program, a Medicaid-funded home services program. (Heidi de Marco/KHN)

new kitchen sink has the same feature. Wheelchair-friendly wood flooring has replaced McIlroy’s wall-to-wall carpeting.

The alterations plus a personal care aide — all paid for by Medicaid — enable McIlroy to stay in his house that he and his wife, who has since died, “worked really hard to own,” he said. The arrangement also saves Medicaid roughly two-thirds of what it would cost if he lived in a nursing home.

McIlroy depends on the federal-state program’s growing support of home-based care services — along with 2 million elderly or disabled Americans who rely on them to live at home for as long as possible.

However, that crucial help could face severe cuts if congressional Republicans eventually succeed in their push to sharply reduce federal Medicaid funds to states. [Continued at Kaiser Health News and USA Today



Science appointments in the USA

  Volume 389, Number  10088
    24 June 2017

WORLD REPORT    Slow appointments and vacant positions in federal agencies challenge the stability of research in the USA.   Susan Jaffe, The Lancet’s Washington correspondent, reports.  

     As President Donald Trump rolls out his domestic agenda, his proposed budget cuts and lingering vacancies in key federal agencies have rattled some people in the biomedical research and science community.
     “This has been the most anxious time in science that I have seen in this country”, said Rush Holt, chief operating officer at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), which represents 250 scientific societies and academies serving 10 million members. Holt cited a litany of reasons: “fake news” that distorts science, “policy making based on wishful thinking rather than evidence, funding proposals that are nonsensical, and unfilled positions in government agencies”.  [Continued here]  



Feds To Waive Penalties For Some Who Signed Up Late For Medicare

By Susan Jaffe  | Kaiser Health News | June 6, 2017 | This KHN story also ran on     

[UPDATE: Since this article was published, Medicare officials extended the deadline for applying for an exemption to the Part B late enrollment penalty to Sept. 30, 2018. The announcement came in a fact sheet posted on Oct. 12, 2017.]

Each year, thousands of Americans miss their deadline to enroll in Medicare, and federal officials and consumer advocates worry that many of them mistakenly think they don’t need to sign up because they have purchased insurance on the health law’s marketplaces. That decision can leave them facing a lifetime of enrollment penalties.

Now Medicare has temporarily changed its rules to offer a reprieve from penalties for people who kept Affordable Care Act policies after becoming eligible for Medicare.

“Many of these individuals did not receive the information necessary [when they became eligible for Medicare or when they initially enrolled] in coverage through the marketplace to make an informed decision regarding” Medicare enrollment, said a Medicare spokesman, explaining the policy change.

Those who qualify include people 65 and older who have a marketplace plan or had one they lost or canceled, as well as people who have qualified for Medicare due to a disability but chose to use marketplace plans. They have until Sept. 30 to request a waiver of the usual penalty Medicare assesses when people delay signing up for Medicare’s Part B, which covers visits to the doctor and other outpatient care…

“This has been a problem from the beginning of the Affordable Care Act, because the government didn’t understand that people would not know when they needed to sign up for Medicare,” said Bonnie Burns, a consultant for California Health Advocates, a consumer group. “Once they had insurance, that relieved all the stress of not having coverage and then when they became eligible for Medicare, nobody told them to make that change.”[Continued at Kaiser Health News and NPR]

Scott Gottlieb sworn in to head the FDA

lancet cover 2Volume 389, Number  10084 

27 May 2017 

WORLD REPORT    Scott Gottlieb becomes commissioner of the FDA, as the agency’s role is threatened by an administration adverse to regulation.  Susan Jaffe, The Lancet’s Washington correspondent, reports.

Only 6 months ago, Scott Gottlieb was still a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative thinktank, when he presented testimony to a US Senate committee investigating prescription drug prices. Before he began, he volunteered that he was “a reformed government bureaucrat, having worked at FDA [US Food and Drug Administration] for a number of years”. He blamed astonishing price hikes—500% in the case of Mylan’s EpiPen—on “regulatory failures stemming from FDA policy, and I think that policy can be fixed”.

Gottlieb was sworn in as the 23rd commissioner of the FDA after being approved earlier this month by the US Senate, over the strong objections of most Democrats. Now Gottlieb will have a chance to fix a daunting array of policies. [Continued here] 

Volunteers Help Ombudsmen Give Nursing Home Residents ‘A Voice’ In Their Care

By Susan Jaffe  | Kaiser Health News | May 2, 2017 |  This KHN story also ran in 

Since retiring four years ago, Barbara Corprew has visited Paris, traveled to a North Carolina film festival and taken Pilates classes, focusing on — as she puts it — just “doing things for me.” Now the former Justice Department lawyer, who worked on white-collar crime cases, is devoting time to something completely different: She visits nursing homes every week.

Barbara Corprew, says her service as a volunteer ombudsman was sparked in part by her experience acting as an advocate for her parents when they became ill. (Courtesy of Barbara Corprew)

Corprew is a volunteer in the District of Columbia’s Long-Term Care Ombudsman’s Office, a government-funded advocacy agency for nursing home and assisted-living residents.

The ombudsmen’s offices, which operate under federal law in all 50 states and the District, investigated 200,000 complaints in 2015, according to the Administration on Aging, a part of the Department of Health and Human Services. Of those, almost 117,000 were reported to have been resolved in a way that satisfied the person who made the complaint, and about 30,000 were partially resolved. At the top of the list were problems concerning care, residents’ rights, physical environment, admissions and discharges, and abuse and neglect.

The volunteers have permission to enter any nursing home, assisted-living or other long-term-care facility anytime, unannounced, talk to any resident and go wherever they want. They respond to issues raised by residents and their families and can bring up problems they discover. All complaints are handled confidentially, even kept from family members, unless residents allow the ombudsman to reveal their identities.

… Medical or legal experience is not required. Volunteers come from all kinds of backgrounds and careers, but they seem to have one thing in common: an abundance of compassion.

Gwendolyn Devore, another District volunteer, remembers a forlorn woman sitting in a hallway at the nursing home where her aunt lived. When she asked a staff member about the woman, the only reply was an angry look that unmistakably said, “It’s none of your business,” Devore recalled as she explained her interest in becoming a volunteer. “Now no one will be able to say it’s none of my business.” [Continued at Kaiser Health News and in The Washington Post]

Marching for science as budget cuts threaten US research

lancet cover 2Volume 389, Number  10080 

29 April 2017 

WORLD REPORT   Americans push back against President Trump’s proposed budget cuts… Susan Jaffe, The Lancet’s Washington correspondent, reports. 

President Donald Trump is famous for his early morning Tweets and off-the-cuff remarks that can sometimes be puzzling. But what he thinks about biomedical research and basic science is quite clear in his first proposed budget for running the federal government.

March for Science, Washington, D.C. / Susan Jaffe

Trump’s America First: A Budget Blueprint to Make America Great Again outlines a $1·1 trillion spending plan that would take effect when the new fiscal year begins in October. The president wants to move $54 billion from domestic agencies to fortify the US military. To help pay for the transfer, he is proposing funding cuts for the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA; 31%) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH; 18%) [and other domestic agencies]….

To squeeze $5·8 billion out of the agency’s $30·3 billion budget, the Trump administration would reorganise NIH’s 27 institutes and centres and “rebalance federal contributions to research funding” according to the budget blueprint. …Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price told a congressional committee last month that the NIH could operate on a tighter budget by cutting the roughly 30% of grant money that pays for indirect research costs. These expenses can include rent, utilities, administrative staff, and equipment. “That money goes for something other than the research that’s being done”, Price said.

Price’s suggestion was especially disturbing coming from the person who is responsible for overseeing the NIH, said Harold Varmus, who directed the NIH in the 1990s and headed the National Cancer Institute at NIH for 5 years until 2015. “You can’t do research in the dark”, he said. “You can’t do research—at least my kind of research—without a building and without electricity and water and administrative expenses”. [Continued  here]


US health and science advocates gear up for battle over EPA

lancet cover 2Volume 389, Number  10075 

25  March 2017 

WORLD REPORT    The Trump administration’s proposed budget makes large cuts to the US Environmental Protection Agency.  Susan Jaffe, The Lancet’s Washington correspondent, reports. 

As Oklahoma Attorney General, Scott Pruitt represented his state in more than a dozen lawsuits challenging the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) efforts to limit air and water pollution. Several cases sought to block President Barack Obama’s Clean Power Plan aimed at reducing the greenhouse gas emissions from coal plants linked to climate change.

…Less than a year later, Pruitt and his opponents have switched sides. President Donald Trump appointed Pruitt to lead the EPA and now those opponents accuse the Trump administration of federal overreach by seeking to undermine key environmental laws.

The administration has already taken steps to begin rolling back some environmental rules issued by the EPA under President Barack Obama (panel). And last week, Trump unveiled his proposed federal budget, which reduces federal non-defence spending by US$54 billion, including a 31% ($2·6 billion) cut in EPA funding—more than any other domestic agency.  [Continued here]