New labels will soon help consumers choose health plans


By Susan Jaffe, May 7, 2011, KAISER HEALTH NEWS  in collaboration with The Chicago Tribune

Cars have sticker prices, ketchup bottles have nutrition-facts labels, and soon health plans will get coverage labels.

For the first time, consumers  shopping for a health policy will be able to get a good idea of how Chicago Tribune logomuch of the costs different plans will cover for three medical conditions: maternity care, treatment for diabetes and breast cancer. And because buying insurance is more complicated than buying a can of soup, the proposed insurance labels are two pages long.  ….The new “coverage facts labels” are required under the health overhaul law, which directed the National Assn. of Insurance Commissioners to draft them. [MORE]


By Susan Jaffe  |  April 26, 2011

Despite tough economic times, there are some things the government can’t give away.

Starting this year, seniors enrolled in Medicare no longer have to pay for more than a dozen tests and other services to help prevent or control cancer and other costly and debilitating diseases. These benefits, which also include an annual wellness exam, are part of the new federal health-care law.

But big crowds aren’t lining up for free mammograms or colonoscopies, although early data indicate that the free wellness checkup is luring patients.  CONTINUED  

More On This Story

Medicare Patients Aren’t Taking Advantage Of Some Newly Free Tests

Obama administration delaying some rules for appealing health insurance denials

By Susan Jaffe |  March 30, 2011 | Kaiser Health News  produced in collaboration with   

The Obama administration is delaying until next January its enforcement of some new rules designed to protect patients who appeal insurers’ decisions to deny or reduce health care benefits… not affected by the latest government announcement is the timeframe given to consumers to file an appeal. Under most plans, beneficiaries have 180 days after receiving a denial notice to request a review…. more

Younger, Disabled Medicare Beneficiaries Have Trouble Getting Supplementary Insurance

By Susan Jaffe   KAISER HEALTH NEWS  | March 7, 2011   This story was produced in collaboration with  

Joe Hobson, 63, crosses the street in front of his Arlington apartment. (Jessica Marcy / Kaiser Health News).

One night three years ago, Joe Hobson finished reading a book, went to sleep and woke up blind. The problem,a rare hereditary disease, forced him to give up his 20-year communications job, along withits generous health insurance. Now 63, the Arlington man is covered by Medicare, the federal program for elderly and disabled Americans.

Like many people with Medicare, Hobson would like to buy supplemental, or Medigap, insurance to help cover his out-of-pocket costs, such as co-payments and deductibles. But Medigap prices can be prohibitive for disabled beneficiaries younger than 65. The cheapest plan for such people in Northern Virginia is $338 a month, according to Brad Rothermel,an Annandale insurance agent who has helped Hobson look for a policy. That’s three times the premium of a plan with much better benefits that is available to a 65-year-old. And the private insurers that offer Medigap policies are free to reject Hobson or charge him extra because of his preexisting health conditions.[Continued in KHN]  andin The Washington Post]


Innovative Day-Care Program Seeks To Keep Frail, Low-Income Seniors In Their Homes

By Susan Jaffe | December 21, 2010 | Kaiser Health News in collaboration with

 Several mornings a week, a white van stops at Geraldine Miller’s house just east of Baltimore to pick her up for ElderPlus, a government-subsidized day-care program for adults on the campus of the Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center.

Because videoMiller, who is 75 and uses a walker, has trouble getting down the stairs from her second-floor apartment, the driver comes inside to help. When she feels wobbly, he lends her an arm. When she feels strong, he faces her and steps down backward on the steps so he can catch her if she falls. When it rains, he shelters her with an umbrella. This is the sort of extra care that makes ElderPlus different.  ElderPlus is part of PACE, the Program for All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly, which provides comprehensive medical and social services to frail, low-income seniors with serious health problems.   [Continued at Kaiser Health News or The Washington Post.]   Video: “Picking Up The Pace”


Little-provision provision of overhaul law requires companies to tell it like it is

By SUSAN JAFFE                  updated Dec. 16, 2010

KAISER HEALTH NEWS in partnership with  

Choosing a health insurance policy should be easier if consumers use the simple chart and other information that state insurance commissioners approved Thursday.

“It will force the insurance companies to reveal information in a consistent way,” says Bonnie Burns, a policy specialist for California Health Advocates, a consumer health advocacy group. “And it should make it easier for people to understand what they’re getting and not getting.”

 Under a little-known provision of the health overhaul law, insurers will be required to provide their benefits information on a standardized chart using the same plain English terms as other companies to help shoppers understand and compare complicated policies.      MORE

Speak plain English, health insurers told

Medicare rules give full hospital benefits only to those withinpatient status

By Susan Jaffe  | September 7, 2010 |  Kaiser Health News produced in collaboration with  WaPo-4sidebar 163x25pix

After Ann Callan, 85, fell and broke four ribs, she spent six days at Holy Cross Hospital in Silver Spring. Doctors and nurses examined her daily and gave her medications and oxygen to help her breathe. But when she was discharged in early January, her family got a surprise: Medicare would not pay for her follow-up nursing home care, because she did not have the prerequisite three days of inpatient care.

“Where was she?” asks her husband, Paul Callan, 85, a retired U.S. Army colonel. “I was with her all the time. I knew she was a patient there.”

Yet some hospitals keep patients under observation for days, and that decision can have severe consequences. Medicare considers observation services outpatient care, which requires beneficiaries to cover a bigger share of drug costs and other expenses than they would when receiving inpatient care.And unless patients spend at least three consecutive days as an inpatient, Medicare will not cover follow-up nursing home expenses after discharge…. more

What To Do If You’re In Observation Care

By Susan Jaffe  | September 7, 2010 |  Kaiser Health News produced in collaboration with  WaPo-4sidebar 163x25pix

How do I know what my hospital status is? What can I do if the hospital won’t change my observation status to inpatient? If the nursing home or hospital says Medicare won’t cover my nursing home stay, what can I do?  Answers to these and other questions here.


The New Health Care Law and Small Businesses

Medicare Steps Up Efforts To Monitor Seniors’ Prescriptions

By Susan Jaffe | KAISER  HEALTH  NEWS | March 23, 2010

This story was produced in collaboration with

Irene Mooney survived four heart attacks and still copes with high cholesterol, persistent indigestion and heart problems. Recently, she developed some dangerous new symptoms – suspicious bruising all over her body and severe fatigue. “I could barely put one foot in front of the other,” she says. A pharmacist discovered the culprit: Some of the very medications Mooney was taking to manage her medical conditions.

The pharmacist met with Mooney, examined her 13 medications and then contacted her doctor, who cut the dosage of one drug and replaced another, reducing her risk of uncontrollable bleeding. Mooney, 82, one of the devoted card players at her seniors’ complex, soon noticed the change. “I’ve been so much better,” she says.

The help Mooney got – called “medication therapy management” – was provided by Senior PharmAssist, a Durham, N.C., non-profit group that makes sure seniors use the right prescription drugs and take them correctly to prevent harmful side effects or drug interactions.

Now, medication management is coming to nearly 7 million seniors and disabled Americans enrolled in Medicare drug plans. [Continued at Kaiser Health News and USA Today




By Susan Jaffe    |   March 22, 2010                                                       

KAISER HEALTH NEWS in partnership with     

Medication management is coming to nearly 7 million seniors and disabled Americans enrolled in Medicare drug plans. Under new, tougher Medicare rules that took effect in January, private insurers that offer drug coverage must automatically enroll members who have at least $3,000 in total annual drug costs, take several drugs and have chronic health conditions such as diabetes, hypertension or heart disease.    MORE

Drug assistance programs keep seniors on track


Dialysis crisis followed shift by Medicaid

By Susan Jaffe | Plain Dealer Reporter | February 12, 2007

 For the past year, a dialysis machine has been keeping Karletta Edwards’ mother alive, substituting for her kidneys to cleanse her blood three times a week.

But in January, shortly after Ohio’s Medicaid program transferred her, along with more than 25,000 other low-income people in Northeast Ohio, into an HMO, something went wrong.

The state’s contracts with insurance companies are expected to save Medicaid $24 million this year, by the time some 125,000 blind, disabled or older people are placed in privately run managed care plans.

Even though the companies are paid 6.6 percent less, Medicaid’s average cost to care for the same population, state officials say the health coverage will remain the same…. Four weeks ago, Edwards received a desperate call from her mother. The transportation service that picked up Emma Hansen from her East Cleveland  home and brought her to the dialysis center didn’t show up. [Continued here]


Consumer guide to prescription drug plans in Northeast Ohio
Susan Jaffe | Plain Dealer Aging Issues Reporter | November 11, 2006

Health insurance companies with contracts from Medicare have been approved to sell a total of 93 plans in Ohio. Some policies cover only drugs, while others include health insurance. This special section provides a consumer guide including the plan basics, some questions to ask before choosing a plan, a translation of the technical jargon companies use, and where to go for assistance.[four-page section here]


Advocates for Medicaid seniors wary of assigned drug coverage

By Susan Jaffe  |  Plain Dealer Reporter | December 29, 2005

Under the Medicare prescription drug benefit, the federal government enrolled millions of the nation’s poorest and sickest seniors into private drug plans that may not cover all their drugs. [Continued here.]