Tag: AMA

US Supreme Court protects access to abortion medication

Volume 403, Issue 10445
22 June 2024 

WORLD REPORT  Justices did not address claims that mifepristone endangered patients and that its approval by the FDA was flawed. Opponents vow to continue the legal fight. Susan Jaffe reports [continued here].



Scientists and physicians run for office in the USA

 Volume 391, Number 10131   

 28 April 2018


WORLD REPORT   Frustrated by what they say is the US Government’s disregard for science, more scientists and physicians are entering politics.  Susan Jaffe, The Lancet’s Washington correspondent, reports.

Nuclear engineer Elaine Luria running for Congress in southeast Virginia (photo/elaineforcongress.com)

Scientists, physicians, engineers, and their supporters surprised many people—and maybe themselves—when they assembled in cities across the USA a year ago demanding an end to President Donald Trump’s Administration’s so-called war on science, which has attacked climate change, environmental protection laws, and funds for biomedical research, among other targets.

But, for some critics, protests are not enough. Instead of appealing to elected officials, now they want to take their place.

“…More and more scientists realise that they have… an obligation to see that the idea of science is defended, that evidence is respected, and that the conditions for science to thrive are respected”, said Rush Holt, chief executive officer of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.  [Continued here.] 

US health-care groups voice concerns about replacing ACA

lancet cover 2Volume 389, Number  10071 

25  February 2017 

WORLD REPORT    Few details have emerged regarding a replacement for the US health law.  Susan Jaffe, The Lancet’s Washington correspondent, speaks to stakeholders about the problems they foresee. 

Less than 8 hours after Donald Trump took the oath of office as the 45th President of the USA, he signed an executive order reiterating a popular campaign promise: “It is the policy of my Administration to seek the prompt repeal of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act [ACA].”

Californians march against the repeal and replacement of the ACA, Feb 4, 2017 / Getty Images

Yet 5 weeks later, the Trump Administration and the Republican controlled Congress cannot agree on whether to repeal and replace it simultaneously—as the president desires—and what the replacement will be. Tom Price, Trump’s new Health and Human Services Secretary, assured senators during his nomination hearing last month that “nobody’s interested in pulling the rug out from under anybody. We believe that it’s absolutely imperative that individuals that have health coverage be able to keep health coverage…”

…The ACA’s uncertain future has rattled health insurers—initial 2018 policies are due as soon as April—and rippled through the health-care system to worried providers and patients. “Like everyone else, we are waiting for more information to be released by the Administration and Congress”, said Jan Emerson-Shea, a spokeswoman for the California Hospital Association, a state with more than 1·5 million patients enrolled in ACA insurance plans.  [Continued here]