Tag: Ambassador Eric Goosby


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Volume 381, Issue 9872, Pages 1087, 30 March 2013

WORLD REPORT America’s new global health chief says “diplomatic discourse” will encourage countries to take ownership of US-funded health programmes. Susan Jaffe reports from Washington, DC.

In his first US public appearance since outgoing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton appointed Ambassador Eric Goosby to lead the new Office of Global Health Diplomacy in December, a gathering of policy experts, health-care advocates, and government officials asked him about its goals and challenges.

…Among the challenges for sustainability is the human resource deficit, Goosby explains. “The countries in which we work, virtually every one of them, do not have the tools to effectively manage and oversee programmes”, he says. “They have leadership that is well educated and ready but the minister of health then turns around to nobody to implement the idea.” [MORE] [PDF]

The USA and global health diplomacy: goals and challenges