Tag: Andrew Morral

Decisions to be made on US gun violence research funds

Volume 395       Number 10222     8 February 2020   
WORLD REPORT  The National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will decide how to spend new federal funds later this year. Susan Jaffe reports from Washington, DC.
After a hiatus of more than two decades, Congress and President Donald Trump agreed to add funding for gun violence research to the federal budget in December. With grants expected to be awarded in September, the priorities for research and its potential impact are crucial for halting the US’s record-breaking gun-related death toll. [Continued here.]   

Gun violence research in the USA: the CDC’s impasse

Volume 391, Number 10139   

 23 June 2018


WORLD REPORT   Months after the Trump Administration said that there is no ban on gun violence studies, the CDC still lacks the funding to proceed. Susan Jaffe, The Lancet‘s Washington correspondent, reports.

…Appeals for immediate federal action to make schools and communities safer have so far largely gone unanswered. And legislative efforts languish in Congress, as the chairman of a key congressional committee that oversees federal health programmes has so far resisted requests by its Democratic members to hold hearings on preventing gun violence [continued here].…