Tag: Barack Obama

US Supreme Court expected to weaken abortion rights

Volume 398, Issue 10317
11 December 2021


WORLD REPORT   The US Supreme Court, now dominated by conservatives, heard arguments last week on the legality of a Mississippi law banning abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy. However, the justices signalled that they are likely to do more than uphold the law. .[Continued here.]



Experts confident of congressional funding for US Cures Act

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Volume 389,  Number 10065
14  January 2017

How future funding for the landmark 21st Century Cures Act and repeal of the Affordable Care Act may affect its success.  [Interviews with lead sponsors Representatives Fred Upton, Diana DeGette, NIH Director Francis Collins, and patient advocates.  Full article here


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Volume 380, Issue 9846,  15 September 2012


WORLD REPORT   Additional new health benefits for women began under the US Affordable Care Act last month, which experts hope will remain after the Nov 6 election. Susan Jaffe reports from Washington, DC. 

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney promises to dismantle President Barack Obama’s landmark health-care reform law if elected. But as the presidential campaign progresses, various provisions of the law continue to kick into gear…. [more]
Panel: Abortion and the Affordable Care Act

In the final days of the congressional health reform debate, abortion coverage nearly derailed the legislation…. [more]