Tag: Bonnie Burns

As Medicare Enrollment Nears, Popular Price Comparison Tool Is Missing

By Susan Jaffe  | Kaiser Health News | October 8, 2019 | This article also ran in the

Millions of older adults can start signing up next week for private policies offering Medicare drug and medical coverage for 2020. But many risk wasting money and even jeopardizing their health care due to changes in Medicare’s plan finder, its most popular website. 

 For more than a decade, beneficiaries used the plan finder to compare dozens of Medicare policies offered by competing insurance companies and get a list of their options. Yet after a website redesign six weeks ago, the search results are missing crucial details: How much will you pay out-of-pocket? And which plan offers the best value?  [Continued at Kaiser Health News, San Francisco

 Chronicle  Chicago Tribune and The Seattle Times]

Feds To Waive Penalties For Some Who Signed Up Late For Medicare

By Susan Jaffe  | Kaiser Health News | June 6, 2017 | This KHN story also ran on     

[UPDATE: Since this article was published, Medicare officials extended the deadline for applying for an exemption to the Part B late enrollment penalty to Sept. 30, 2018. The announcement came in a fact sheet posted on Oct. 12, 2017.]

Each year, thousands of Americans miss their deadline to enroll in Medicare, and federal officials and consumer advocates worry that many of them mistakenly think they don’t need to sign up because they have purchased insurance on the health law’s marketplaces. That decision can leave them facing a lifetime of enrollment penalties.

Now Medicare has temporarily changed its rules to offer a reprieve from penalties for people who kept Affordable Care Act policies after becoming eligible for Medicare.

“Many of these individuals did not receive the information necessary [when they became eligible for Medicare or when they initially enrolled] in coverage through the marketplace to make an informed decision regarding” Medicare enrollment, said a Medicare spokesman, explaining the policy change.

Those who qualify include people 65 and older who have a marketplace plan or had one they lost or canceled, as well as people who have qualified for Medicare due to a disability but chose to use marketplace plans. They have until Sept. 30 to request a waiver of the usual penalty Medicare assesses when people delay signing up for Medicare’s Part B, which covers visits to the doctor and other outpatient care…

“This has been a problem from the beginning of the Affordable Care Act, because the government didn’t understand that people would not know when they needed to sign up for Medicare,” said Bonnie Burns, a consultant for California Health Advocates, a consumer group. “Once they had insurance, that relieved all the stress of not having coverage and then when they became eligible for Medicare, nobody told them to make that change.”[Continued at Kaiser Health News and NPR]

Protecting California’s Seniors From Surprise Hospital, Nursing Home Bills

By Susan Jaffe  | Kaiser Health News & California Healthline | August 29, 2016CA Healthline logo-chl

Californians with Medicare coverage would no longer be surprised by huge medical bills stemming from “observation care” in hospitals under legislation that state lawmakers approved overwhelmingly last week and sent to Gov. Jerry Brown to sign into law.

The sticker-shock can happen when people go to the hospital but health care providers are not sure what’s wrong. If the patient is not sick enough to be formally admitted, but still not healthy enough to go home, they can stay in the hospital for “observation care,” which Medicare considers an outpatient service. That can mean higher out-of-pocket expenses for the patient….And because observation patients have not spent the required minimum of three straight days as an admitted patient, Medicare will not cover their follow-up nursing home expenses after discharge. Observation care doesn’t count….“I don’t think the average person knows the difference,” said Sen. Ed Hernandez (D-West Covina). Hernandez introduced the legislation requiring hospitals starting Jan. 1 to tell all patients if they are getting observation care.

…The legislation also would require the nation’s first minimum nurse-to-patient staffing ratios in observation care units for hospitals that have separate units for those patients. “We are still the only state that has these very specific mandated ratios for every unit of the hospital that have to be adhered to every minute of every day,” said Jan Emerson-Shea, a spokeswoman for the California Hospital Association, which represents 400 hospitals. Those staffing rules, however, excluded observation care units.

“We wanted to make sure hospitals didn’t use observation care as a loophole to avoid any of the minimum nursing staffing requirements,” said Sen. Hernandez. [Continued in California Healthline or San Jose Mercury News]

Senate Panel Kills Medicare Program That Offers Help On Enrollment, Billing Issues

By Susan Jaffe  | Kaiser Health News | June 17, 2016 | This KHN story also ran on     nprlogo_138x46

A program that has helped seniors understand the many intricacies of Medicare as well as save them millions of dollars would be eliminated by a budget bill overwhelmingly approved last week by the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee.

The State Health Insurance Assistance Program, or “SHIP,” is among more than a dozen programs left out of the bill by the committee. Cutting these “unnecessary federal programs” helped provide needed funding for other efforts, Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., chairman of the appropriations committee’s health and labor subcommittee, said in a statement last week.

Ending SHIP saves $52 million, which will help pay for a $2 billion increase for the National Institutes of Health, restore year-round Pell Grants, and increase resources to prevent and treat opioid abuse, among other things.

SHIP counselors are in every state, the District of Columbia and the U.S. territories offering free advice on how to choose from an array of drug and health insurance plans, challenge coverage denials, and receive financial subsidies for premiums, co-payments and deductibles. …Ohio’s SHIP program saved seniors $20.8 million in 2015 and was ranked first in the nation by the Department of Health and Human Services, the state’s lieutenant governor announced in February. [Continued on Kaiser Health News or NPR]


Buying Supplemental Insurance Can Be Hard For Younger Medicare Beneficiaries

By Susan Jaffe | February 3,  2016 | Kaiser Health News in collaboration with Money magazine

Danny Thompson’s kidneys have failed and he needs a transplant but in some ways, he’s lucky: Both of his sons want to give him one of theirs, and his Medicare coverage will take care of most his expenses.

Danny Thompson    (Heidi de Marco/KHN) 

Yet the 53-year-old Californian is facing another daunting obstacle: He doesn’t

have the money for his share of the medical bills and follow-up drugs, and he can’t buy supplemental insurance to help cover his costs.

“It’s frustrating to be in the shape I’m in,” said Thompson, who depends on dialysis instead of his kidneys to cleanse his blood. “My plan is to get a transplant so I can go back to work.”

Almost one in four Medicare beneficiaries has such a policy, known as Medigap, which is sold by private insurance companies. It can help pay for costs Medicare doesn’t cover, including the 20 percent coinsurance required for medical expenses, including certain drugs, plus deductibles and co-payments. Those expenses have no out-of-pocket limit for beneficiaries.

Money cover

This KHN story also ran on Money.

Federal law requires companies to sell Medigap plans to any Medicare beneficiary aged 65 or older within six months of signing up for Part B, which covers doctor visits and other outpatient services. If they sign up during this guaranteed open enrollment, they cannot be charged higher premiums due to their medical conditions.

But Congress left it to states to determine whether Medigap plans are sold to the more than 9 million people younger than 65 years old who qualify for Medicare because of a disability. [Continued in Kaiser Health News or Money magazine.]…

When Turning 65, Consumers With Marketplace Plans Need To Be Vigilant In Choosing Health Coverage

By Susan Jaffe  | June 25, 2015 |  Kaiser Health News

BeforKHN logoe the Affordable Care Act, older adults who couldn’t afford to buy their own health insurance would count the days until their 65th birthday, when Medicare would kick in. Now, 10,000 Americans hit that milestone every day, but for some who have coverage through the ACA’s insurance marketplaces, Medicare may not be the obvious next step.

“Consumers eligible for Medicare can keep or renew their marketplace plan,” said Medicare spokesman Alper Ozinal, as long as they don’t also join Medicare. [Continued in Kaiser Health News]…


After reassuring seniors that Medicare is not part of the new health insurance marketplaces, administration officials have a warning for anyone who may have other ideas: selling marketplace coverage to people who have Medicare is illegal.
Federal officials are eager to get the word out that seniors and disabled individuals enrolled in Medicare Part A — which covers hospitalization and limited nursing home care and is free for most beneficiaries – do not need to buy a marketplace plan, because they are already meeting the insurance requirements.
And no one needs to sell them one, either, according to information on a new “Medicare & the Marketplace” government webpage and in a “frequently asked questions” flyer officials recently distributed to Medicare counselors and other seniors advocates. MORE


By Susan Jaffe   |   June 21, 2013 |  KAISER HEALTH NEWS in collaboration with WaPo logo

Within days, the company that handles an average of more than 60,000 calls daily about Medicare will be deluged by new inquiries about health insurance under the Affordable Care Act.KHN logo

The six Medicare call centers run by Vangent, a company based in Arlington, Va., will answer questions about the health care law from the 34 states that opted out of running their own online health insurance marketplaces or decided to operate them jointly with the federal government.

The Department of Health and Human Services estimates that Vangent’s call centers will receive 42 million calls about the federal marketplaces this year, a daily average of up to 200,000; plus answer 2,400 letters and 740 e-mails, and host 500 Web chats daily. Customer service representatives will take consumers through the process — from shopping for a plan to enrolling.

Running the 800-Medicare call centers may provide valuable experience, but Vangent’s track record reveals that it was slow to adapt when changes in the Medicare program caused dramatic spikes in demand.

“It’s going to be huge,” said Bonnie Burns, a training and policy specialist at California Health Advocates. “The number of calls they are likely to get will probably dwarf anything they saw in Medicare.” MORE



Insurance Commissioners Reject Calls To Limit Seniors’ Medigap Policies

By Susan Jaffe  KAISER HEALTH NEWS in collaboration with      Dec. 6, 2012

The nation’s insurance commissioners have some stern advice about proposals to shrink Medicare spending by asking seniors with supplemental Medigap policies to pay more out of pocket for their health care: Don’t do it.

The health law requires the National Association of Insurance Commissioners to advise the administration about whether seniors would use fewer Medicare services — and therefore, cost the government less money — if the most popular Medigap plans were less generous.

“Everything we’ve looked at has shown that increasing cost-sharing does stop people from seeking medical care,” said Bonnie Burns, a training and policy specialist at California Health Advocates who serves on an NAIC committee that has studied the issue for more than a year. “The problem is they stop using both necessary and unnecessary care.” [More in The Washington Post] or longer version from Kaiser Health News]

Younger, Disabled Medicare Beneficiaries Have Trouble Getting Supplementary Insurance

By Susan Jaffe   KAISER HEALTH NEWS  | March 7, 2011   This story was produced in collaboration with  

Joe Hobson, 63, crosses the street in front of his Arlington apartment. (Jessica Marcy / Kaiser Health News).

One night three years ago, Joe Hobson finished reading a book, went to sleep and woke up blind. The problem,a rare hereditary disease, forced him to give up his 20-year communications job, along withits generous health insurance. Now 63, the Arlington man is covered by Medicare, the federal program for elderly and disabled Americans.

Like many people with Medicare, Hobson would like to buy supplemental, or Medigap, insurance to help cover his out-of-pocket costs, such as co-payments and deductibles. But Medigap prices can be prohibitive for disabled beneficiaries younger than 65. The cheapest plan for such people in Northern Virginia is $338 a month, according to Brad Rothermel,an Annandale insurance agent who has helped Hobson look for a policy. That’s three times the premium of a plan with much better benefits that is available to a 65-year-old. And the private insurers that offer Medigap policies are free to reject Hobson or charge him extra because of his preexisting health conditions.[Continued in KHN]  andin The Washington Post]