Tag: CMS

US pharmaceutical companies sue to halt cuts in drug prices

Volume 402, Issue 10399
29 July 2023 


WORLD REPORT  Medicare will soon be able to negotiate some drug prices to reduce costs for patients and taxpayers. Susan Jaffe reports from Washington, DC.

The first set of ten drugs subject to price negotiations by the US Medicare programme will be unveiled on Sept 1, 2023, but some pharmaceutical companies and their allies are not waiting to find out which products will be on the list. So far, four manufacturers and two trade associations are suing to stop the process before it begins. [Continued here.] 


US plan to shield science from “inappropriate influence”

Volume 401, Issue 10375
11 February 2023 


WORLD REPORT  The Biden administration is launching a new initiative on scientific integrity in federal agencies following multiple lapses. Susan Jaffe reports from Washington, DC.

Just a week after Joe Biden was sworn in as president in January, 2021, he created a multi-agency Task Force on Scientific Integrity to restore “trust in government through scientific integrity and evidence-based policy making”…Last month, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy released A Framework for Federal Scientific Integrity and Practice, a follow-up to the task force’s 2022 recommendations that provides a blueprint for implementation. [Continued here.] 

Theranos founder counters fraud charges in federal trial

Volume 398, Issue 10315
27 November 2021


WORLD REPORT   Federal prosecutors charged Theranos’ founder Elizabeth Holmes and former Theranos president Ramesh Balwani with wire fraud and conspiracy to commit wire fraud, alleging that they deceived investors and patients and their doctors by claiming that Theranos’s machine could produce accurate test results from blood collected in its tiny “nanotainer” device instead of several vials. But witnesses for the prosecution testified that the devices did not operate as promised…. “When something is brought forward as the next new thing regardless of whether it’s a drug or device, it needs to go through the process of rigorous scientific and clinical testing, then presented to the scientific community for peer review and ultimately publication”, said Roy Silverstein a haematologist and chair of medicine at the Medical College of Wisconsin. “And I’m not aware of any single publication that ever came out of this Theranos technology.” [Full story here.]  

Legal challenges threaten Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine rule

Volume 398, Issue 10314
20 November 2021


WORLD REPORT  Almost a year after the first COVID-19 vaccine was approved for emergency use in the USA, roughly a third of adults have still not received it. After urging Americans to get vaccinated, US President Joe Biden has taken a tougher approach: under his administration’s new workplace safety standard, people must get vaccinated or undergo weekly tests for the virus if they work for companies with at least 100 employees. “The rule will protect more than 84 million workers from the spread of the coronavirus on the job”, said Jim Frederick, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health. …A day after OSHA’s announcement on Nov 4, 2021, multiple lawsuits to block the rule started rolling in to federal courts across the country.[Continued here.]  
