Tag: Consumers Union

USA gears up for next round of enrolment under the ACA

lancet cover 224 October  2015

WORLD REPORT    As enrolment begins for the Affordable Care Act’s health insurance, officials cut estimates of how many Americans will get coverage.  Susan JaffeThe Lancet’s Washington correspondent,  reports.
The past 2 years of President Barack Obama’s landmark health insurance programme haven’lancet 102415t been easy—surviving two Supreme Court challenges, nearly done-in by embarrassing technical glitches, and more than 50 congressional votes attempting to dismantle it. But its troubles are not yet over: enrolling new beneficiaries “is going to be tougher than last year”, warned Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell.
Burwell and other Obama Administration officials are damping down enrolment expectations just days before the 3-month sign-up period for 2016 coverage begins on Nov 1.  [Continued here ]

US Supreme Court upholds ACA subsidies

lancet cover 2

Volume 385, Issue 9988, 4 July 2015

WORLD REPORT    Officials expect to launch the US President’s new health project later this year. But Congress has yet to decide whether to fully fund it. The Lancet’s Washington correspondent, Susan Jaffe, reports.

ACA supporters celebrate outside the Supreme Court following the judgment on June 25 (Bloomberg)

ACA supporters celebrate outside the Supreme Court following the judgment on June 25 (Bloomberg)

Although critics still deride it as Obamacare, President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court victory last week

enshrined the Affordable Care Act (ACA) as one of his greatest domestic accomplishments. The court might have also effectively disarmed the opposition, shifting the debate to next year’s campaign for the presidency as the next chance for critics to try to dismantle the law.

But for 6·4 million Americans who could have lost the health law’s insurance subsidies—the key issue before the court—the historic ruling has a different meaning. “Thank God, I can still get my medical care”, said Jacqueline Clay, a New Jersey woman receiving treatment for breast cancer who turned 61 years of age the day the court upheld the subsidies. “I am not going to die.” [Continued in full text or PDF ]

Obamacare, Private Medicare Plans Must Keep Updated Doctor Directories In 2016

By Susan Jaffe  | March 9, 2015 |  Kaiser Health News and also published in

Starting next year, the federal government will require health insurers to give millions of Americans enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans or in policies sold in the federally run health exchange up-to-date details about which doctors are in their plans and taking new patients.

Medicare Advantage plans and most exchange plans restrict coverage to a network of doctors, hospitals and other health care providers that can change during the year. Networks can also vary among plans offered by the same insurer. So it’s not always easy to figure out who’s in and who’s out, and many consumers have complained that their health coverage doesn’t amount to much if they can’t find doctors who accept their insurance. [More from KHN] [More in USA Today]



By Susan Jaffe |  Feb. 9, 2012 | KAISER HEALTH NEWS  in partnership with  mcclatchy skinny logo

The Obama administration Thursday unveiled final regulations detailing the new health insurance summaries that the federal health law requires plans to give to consumers to help them make informed coverage choices.

Mila Kofman, a research professor at Georgetown University… said that when consumers shop for insurance now, “co-insurance” or “annual deductible” may mean different things depending on the policy. Providing uniform information that’s easy to understand will empower consumers, she said.

“This will fundamentally change the way insurance is sold and the way is bought, and will make it much easier for consumers,” she said.   [More from KHN or McClatchy]



By Susan Jaffe |  January 24, 2012 | KAISER HEALTH NEWS         

Leaders from some of the nation’s top consumer and seniors advocacy groups today urged President Barack Obama not to weaken a key consumer provision of his signature health care overhaul law.

The provision requires health insurers and employers to use standardized, easy-to-understand information documents to describe health plan benefits and costs.   These forms would explain how much each plan pays on average for three common medical conditions and include a glossary of insurance terms. [Continued here]


Consumers add their 2 cents to health law’s plan labels

By Susan Jaffe | June 23, 2011 | Kaiser Health News in partnership with 

BUFFALO, N.Y. – At an office tucked next to Macy’s at the Boulevard Mall, Susan Kleimann pushes two sets of papers across a table to a woman in her 40s wearing a gray sweatshirt. “We aren’t testing you,” assures Kleimann, who runs a market research firm in Bethesda, Md. “We are testing health plan information.”

Kleimann explains that they will be comparing the two documents describing two hypothetical insurance plans. “What you tell us today will help us improve the information and be sure that consumers can easily understand what they read about different health plans,” she says.  While a video camera captures every moment, the woman accepts the task with gusto. She says getting rid of some columns will make the form clearer and changing the blue ink to black will be easier on the eyes. But the last page is trouble. “This is really wordy,” she says. “I would have to put it down and go get a bowl of ice cream and go back to it later.”

Starting next March, all insurers and employers will have to make it easier for consumers faced with the ordeal of picking a health plan. Under the 2010 health law, they’ll have to provide health policy information that the average enrollee can understand and use to compare with other plans. The forms were developed by a group assembled by the National Assn. of Insurance Commissioners, and policymakers are getting feedback the same way advertisers learn the best way to sell orange juice: consumer-focus-group testing.

The woman in the gray sweatshirt is among eight people who received a $75 stipend to sit in a windowless room and spend 90 minutes reviewing the forms and answering questions. The one-on-one sessions, spread over two days last month along with an identical round in St. Louis, are sponsored by Consumers Union. Two representatives from the group, a Kaiser Health News reporter and other observers silently watch from a darkened hideaway room behind a one-way mirror; sound from the session is piped in through an audio system. [FULL story from Kaiser Health News] [ABRIDGED from Los Angeles Times]…