Tag: EPA

Besieged EPA Chief still committed to Trump agenda

Susan Jaffe | Washington Correspondent for The Lancet | 8th May 2018

    At last count, at least four federal agencies were conducting nearly a dozen investigations of Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt, probing his office renovations, a round-the-clock security unit who accompanied him on a trip to Disneyland, personnel management, and first-class air travel. The Capitol Hill condo he rented at a bargain rate of only $50 a night from the wife of an energy industry lobbyist has also come under scrutiny.

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt testifies at a congressional hearing April 26, 2018 (Getty Images).

But in separate hearings held by the congressional subcommittees that oversee EPA, Pruitt dismissed the investigations as politically motivated. 

“Those who attack the EPA and attack me are doing so because they want to attack and derail the president’s agenda and undermine this administration’s priorities,” Pruitt told the congressional panels two weeks ago. “I am simply not going to let that happen.”

…Republicans were eager to praise his achievements during the hearings, and encouraged him to keep at it. [Continued here

After a weekend of negotiations and demonstrations, shutdown disrupts health agencies

Susan Jaffe | Washington Correspondent for The Lancet | 22nd January 2018

On the first anniversary of Donald Trump’s inauguration as the 45th president of the United States on January 20, 2018, the federal government ground to a shutdown and hundreds of thousands of women and their supporters rallied against the new president in dozens of cities across the country. [Continued here.]  



Science appointments in the USA

  Volume 389, Number  10088
    24 June 2017

WORLD REPORT    Slow appointments and vacant positions in federal agencies challenge the stability of research in the USA.   Susan Jaffe, The Lancet’s Washington correspondent, reports.  

     As President Donald Trump rolls out his domestic agenda, his proposed budget cuts and lingering vacancies in key federal agencies have rattled some people in the biomedical research and science community.
     “This has been the most anxious time in science that I have seen in this country”, said Rush Holt, chief operating officer at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), which represents 250 scientific societies and academies serving 10 million members. Holt cited a litany of reasons: “fake news” that distorts science, “policy making based on wishful thinking rather than evidence, funding proposals that are nonsensical, and unfilled positions in government agencies”.  [Continued here]  



Paris climate change agreement faces hurdles in the USA

Susan Jaffe | Washington Correspondent for The Lancet | 31st December 2015
Only a few hours after thousands of representatives from 195 countries approved the landmark Paris cliThe Lancet USA blog logomate change agreement, President Barack Obama stepped before the TV cameras at the White House to congratulate them. It Paris 2offers the best chance we have to save the one planet we have,” Obama said. “We’ve shown that the world has both the will and the ability to take on this challenge.”
But the international consensus to reduce global warming failed to move the Republican candidates competing for Obama’s job.  {Continued here.]

Clean Power Plan

Susan Jaffe | Washington Correspondent for The Lancet   25th August 2015The Lancet USA blog logo
 Before President Barack Obama’s Clean Power Plan can inspire other nations to control greenhouse gases by following the USA’s lead in dramatically reducing carbon emissions, the Administration has to convince West Virginia—and at least 15 other skeptical states. [Continued here]