Tag: Generic Pharmaceutical Association

Experts confident of congressional funding for US Cures Act

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Volume 389,  Number 10065
14  January 2017

How future funding for the landmark 21st Century Cures Act and repeal of the Affordable Care Act may affect its success.  [Interviews with lead sponsors Representatives Fred Upton, Diana DeGette, NIH Director Francis Collins, and patient advocates.  Full article here


A new law passed in July to strengthen the work of the US Food and Drug Administration may hit some serious barriers to implementation. Susan Jaffe reports from Washington, DC.

image WORLD REPORT   Volume 380, Issue 9852, Pages 1458 – 1459, 27 October 2012

The massive drug and medical device safety bill that won extraordinary near-unanimous support in the US Congress—despite a budget crisis and a contentious political campaign—is facing major challenges less than 3 months after President Barack Obama signed it into law in July. And in the process, prospects may be fading for additional reforms. [MORE]