Tag: Health Canada

Imported drugs unlikely to lower US prices any time soon

Volume 403, Issue 10423
20 January 2024 

WORLD REPORT  Americans pay some of the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs, but the decision by the US Food and Drug Administration to allow Florida to import cheaper medications from Canada won’t cut prices any time soon. Although the ruling represents a shift in the decades-long fight for drug importation, opposition from the US pharmaceutical industry, Canadian health officials, and others is expected to block implementation at every stage. [Susan Jaffe reports, here]

US drug importation plan hits snag

Volume 397, Issue 10291
12 June 2021

WORLD REPORT The Biden administration says it has “no timeline” for deciding if states can import cheap drugs from Canada. 

President Joe Biden’s administration said last week that it won’t decide whether to allow states to import drugs from Canada anytime soon, if ever. Biden supported drug importation during the presidential campaign, as did his opponent, Donald Trump, to mitigate sky-rocketing drug costs in the USA. Americans pay more per capita for prescription drugs than any other country…. [Continued here.]
