Tag: Manhattan Institute

NYC guarantees health care to all

 Volume 393, Number 10169   

26 January 2019       


WORLD REPORT   The mayor of New York City is not counting on Congress for solutions to its health-care problems, Susan Jaffe reports.

By encouraging patients to seek primary and preventive care instead of more expensive emergency care, city officials expect to save money and keep people healthy. 
     “From this moment on, in New York City, everyone is guaranteed the right to health care—everyone”, declared New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio as he unveiled his so-called NYC Care plan this month. People who cannot pay or are ineligible for health insurance—including undocumented immigrants—will be able to get the most comprehensive and affordable health coverage in the country, at little or no cost, the mayor said, speaking in both English and Spanish.  “This is a way of getting people health care here and now, regardless of what happens on the state or the federal level”. [Continued here.]  

Clinton versus Trump on health care

lancet cover 2Volume 388, Number  10057 

5  November 2016 

WORLD REPORT   The presidential candidates have different ideas about improving US health care.  Susan Jaffe, The Lancet’s Washington correspondent, reports.

The future of the Affordable Care Act, President Barack Obama’s signature health law, depends largely on the next occupant of the White House. Trump, the Republican candidate for president, wants to repeal and replace the law. Clinton, his Democratic opponent, wants to improve and expand it.  [Continued here] 
