Tag: Medicare for All

Biden unwinds Trump health-care policies

Volume 397, Issue 10272
30 January 2021


WORLD REPORT A Democrat in the White House and a Democratic Congress could bring big changes to US health policy, but challenges remain. Susan Jaffe reports from Washington, DC. 

…Before the Biden Administration can tackle other health priorities, the first order of business is the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, which has killed more than 420 000 Americans—a death toll higher than that of any other nation—and has exposed health-care inequities and crippled the economy. …Although Biden will have a lot of support for his health-care agenda, “that doesn’t mean that it’s smooth sailing”, said Lanhee Chen, a public policy fellow at the Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. “I think there are still a lot of people who are very upset about the outcome of the election.” [Full story here.]…

Medicare for All scrutinised in Democratic primaries

Volume 395       Number 10225     29 February 2020                          
WORLD REPORT  On March 3, 14 states will pick their nominees for the US presidential election. The feasability of a single payer insurance plan is a key issue. Susan Jaffe reports from Washington, DC.
Anxiety about rising health-care costs— the top issue for Democratic voters, according to recent polls—propelled Bernie Sanders to the head of the pack in last week’s Democratic primary contest in Nevada. Of the six leading candidates vying for the party’s presidential nomination, Sanders, a Vermont senator and self-described democratic socialist, has proposed the most radical solution for lowering medical bills and reaching universal coverage. His signature policy initiative, the Medicare for All single-payer programme, would eliminate private health insurance, including employment-based plans that cover about half of the US population. [Article compares Medicare for All and the public option proposal favoured by former Vice President Joe Biden; continued here]

Prospects for US single-payer national health care

 Volume 392, Number 10149   

1 September 2018


WORLD REPORT   The single-payer national health-care bill, so-called Medicare for All, is gaining momentum with the public but is stalling in Congress. Susan Jaffe, The Lancet‘s Washington correspondent, reports.

Instead of fading away into legislative oblivion, some Democrats campaigning for congressional seats and candidates for state offices are supporting the Medicare for All bill—or some variation thereof—as the November election approaches. They are not alone: a Morning Consult/Politico national poll in June found that 63% of Americans support “a Medicare for All healthcare system, where all Americans would get their health insurance from the government”. [Continued here.]
