Tag: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

USA sets goal to end the HIV epidemic in a decade

Volume 393, Number 10172   

16 February 2019       


WORLD REPORT   The unexpected announcement in the State of the Union address could set the start of a realistic agenda to end HIV/AIDS in the USA, provided funds are secured. Susan Jaffe reports.

Nearly an hour into his 90 min State of the Union address, President Donald Trump called for a government-run health-care programme “to eliminate the HIV epidemic in the United States within 10 years”.

Although the president has promised to get rid of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) along with its health insurance marketplaces and Medicaid expansion, these and other policies did not appear to dampen his enthusiasm. [Continued here.]

Zika response threatened by funding shortage

Susan Jaffe | Washington Correspondent for The Lancet | 14 March 2016The Lancet USA blog logo

Congress hasn’t budged in the five weeks since President Barack Obama asked Congress for more than $1.8 billion in emergency funding to deal with the Zika virus. But Zika isn’t waiting.

In the weeks since the president’s request, the number of cases of the mosquito-borne virus among people who traveled to countries where transmission has been confirmed has almost quadrupled to 193, as of March 9. It is in nearly twice as many states — 32 and the District of Columbia — with Florida, New York and Texas topping the list. In Puerto Rico, the U. S. Virgin Islands, and American Samoa, the number of cases is 174, or 19 times higher, reports the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  [continued here]  

Congress Wrangles Over Funding for Zika Research

Susan Jaffe | Washington Correspondent for The Lancet | 12th February 2016

President Barack Obama asked Congress this week for more than $1.8 billion in emergency funding The Lancet USA blog logoto respond to Zika virus and administration officials wasted no time in explaining why at four congressional hearings less than two days later.

While such Capitol Hill visits are part of the budget process, the looming virus adds a new urgency to the proceedings–though not necessarily enough to deter controversy. [Continued here]…