Tag: Natural Resources Defense Council

10 years on: the legacy of the Flint water crisis

Volume 403, Issue 10437
27 April1 2024 

WORLD REPORT  The exposure of residents to lead in drinking water caused a national outcry, prompting requirements to update infrastructure and tighten water quality standards. Susan Jaffe reports.  

“Flint is making an impact beyond Flint”, said Mona Hanna-Attisha, a Flint paediatrician who collected data on children’s lead blood levels in 2015. “We’re sharing those big lessons—the need to respect science, the need to invest in prevention, the need to pay attention to things like infrastructure and inequities, but also the really amazing lesson of doing something about it.”. [Continued here]…

Besieged EPA Chief still committed to Trump agenda

Susan Jaffe | Washington Correspondent for The Lancet | 8th May 2018

    At last count, at least four federal agencies were conducting nearly a dozen investigations of Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt, probing his office renovations, a round-the-clock security unit who accompanied him on a trip to Disneyland, personnel management, and first-class air travel. The Capitol Hill condo he rented at a bargain rate of only $50 a night from the wife of an energy industry lobbyist has also come under scrutiny.

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt testifies at a congressional hearing April 26, 2018 (Getty Images).

But in separate hearings held by the congressional subcommittees that oversee EPA, Pruitt dismissed the investigations as politically motivated. 

“Those who attack the EPA and attack me are doing so because they want to attack and derail the president’s agenda and undermine this administration’s priorities,” Pruitt told the congressional panels two weeks ago. “I am simply not going to let that happen.”

…Republicans were eager to praise his achievements during the hearings, and encouraged him to keep at it. [Continued here