Tag: nursing home

Nursing Home Surprise: Advantage Plans May Shorten Stays to Less Time Than Medicare Covers

“The health plan can determine how long someone is in a nursing home typically without laying eyes on the person.”

By Susan Jaffe  | Kaiser Health News | October 4, 2022 | This KHN story also ran on Fortune logo

Amy Loomis (left) and Paula Christopherson (photo by Charles Christopherson)

After 11 days in a St. Paul, Minnesota, skilled nursing facility recuperating from a fall, Paula Christopherson, 97, was told by her insurer that she should return home.

“This seems unethical,” said daughter Amy Loomis, who feared what would happen if the Medicare Advantage plan, run by UnitedHealthcare, ended coverage for her mother’s nursing home care.  The facility gave Christopherson a choice: pay several thousand dollars to stay, appeal the company’s decision, or go home.

But instead of being relieved, Christopherson and her daughter were worried because her medical team said she wasn’t well enough to leave.

Health care providers, nursing home representatives, and advocates for residents say Medicare Advantage plans are increasingly ending members’ coverage for nursing home and rehabilitation services before patients are healthy enough to go home.  [Full story in and FortuneKaiser Health News, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and Yahoo News]


Class-Action Lawsuit Seeks To Let Medicare Patients Appeal Gap in Nursing Home Coverage

By Susan Jaffe  | Kaiser Health News | August 12, 2019 | This KHN story also ran on  and

Medicare paid for Betty Gordon’s knee replacement surgery in March, but the 72-year-old former high school teacher needed a nursing home stay and care at home to recover.

Yet Medicare wouldn’t pay for that. So Gordon is stuck with a $7,000 bill she can’t afford — and, as if that were not bad enough, she can’t appeal.

The reasons Medicare won’t pay have frustrated the Rhode Island woman and many others trapped in the maze of regulations surrounding something called “observation care.”

Patients, like Gordon, receive observation care in the hospital when their doctors think they are too sick to go home but not sick enough to be admitted. They stay overnight or longer, usually in regular hospital rooms, getting some of the same services and treatment (often for the same problems) as an admitted patient….

(Photo courtesy of Betty Gordon)

But observation care is considered an outpatient service under Medicare rules, like a doctor’s appointment or a lab test. Observation patients may have to pay a larger share of the hospital bill than if they were officially admitted to the hospital.Medicare’s nursing home benefit is available only to those admitted to the hospital for three consecutive days. Gordon spent three days in the hospital after her surgery, but because she was getting observation care, that time didn’t count.

There’s another twist: Patients might want to file an appeal, as they can with many other Medicare decisions. But that is not allowed if the dispute involves observation care.

Monday, a trial begins in federal court in Hartford, Conn., where patients who were denied Medicare’s nursing home benefit are hoping to force the government to eliminate that exception. A victory would clear the way for appeals from hundreds of thousands of people.  [Continued at Kaiser Health NewsNext Avenue or Salon]