Tag: O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law

US pharmaceutical companies sue to halt cuts in drug prices

Volume 402, Issue 10399
29 July 2023 


WORLD REPORT  Medicare will soon be able to negotiate some drug prices to reduce costs for patients and taxpayers. Susan Jaffe reports from Washington, DC.

The first set of ten drugs subject to price negotiations by the US Medicare programme will be unveiled on Sept 1, 2023, but some pharmaceutical companies and their allies are not waiting to find out which products will be on the list. So far, four manufacturers and two trade associations are suing to stop the process before it begins. [Continued here.] 


Sackler money to go towards reducing overdose deaths

Volume 401, Issue 10392  ||  10 June 2023  

WORLD REPORT  A US $6 billion settlement must help to expand treatment access, harm reduction programmes, and recovery services. Susan Jaffe reports.

Federal, state and local governments along with community organisations may soon receive an infusion of US$6 billion to fight the opioid epidemic, including at least $775 million for victims and their families, after a federal appeals court approved a bankruptcy settlement for Purdue Pharma and its founders, the multi-billionaire Sackler family. However, in a controversial move last month, the court also restored protections for the Sacklers from civil lawsuits, despite accusations that their illegal schemes to boost sales of the company’s strongly addictive pain killer, OxyContin (oxycodone), vastly increased their wealth. But without this shield, the agreement would have remained mired in court challenges. [Continued here.]