Tag: Public Citizen

No More Secrets: Congress Bans Pharmacist  ‘Gag Orders’  On Drug Prices

Update:  After this article was posted Oct. 10th, the President signed the legislation into law later that day.

By Susan Jaffe  | Kaiser Health News | October 10, 2018  | This KHN story also ran on 

For years, most pharmacists couldn’t give customers even a clue about an easy way to save money on prescription drugs. But the restraints are coming off.

When the cash price for a prescription is less than what you would pay using your insurance plan, pharmacists will no longer have to keep that a secret.

…But there’s a catch: Under the new legislation, pharmacists will not be required to tell patients about the lower cost option. If they don’t, it’s up to the customer to ask.  [Continued at Kaiser Health News and at NBC News]

Alex Azar’s controversial qualifications

Susan Jaffe | Washington Correspondent for The Lancet | 27th December 2017

When President Donald Trump nominated Alex Azar last month to lead the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), supporters said his experience working in government and the pharmaceutical industry more than qualified him for the job. … the-lancet-usa-blog-logo1But critics say Azar has the wrong kind of experience. When he appeared before Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) last month, the committee’s senior Democrat Patty Murray of Washington said if Azar runs HHS then “the fox is guarding the hen house.” [Continued here]