Tag: Representative Rosa DeLauro

Decisions to be made on US gun violence research funds

Volume 395       Number 10222     8 February 2020   
WORLD REPORT  The National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will decide how to spend new federal funds later this year. Susan Jaffe reports from Washington, DC.
After a hiatus of more than two decades, Congress and President Donald Trump agreed to add funding for gun violence research to the federal budget in December. With grants expected to be awarded in September, the priorities for research and its potential impact are crucial for halting the US’s record-breaking gun-related death toll. [Continued here.]   

Prospects for health after the US mid-terms

 Volume 392, Number 10161   

24 November 2018       


WORLD REPORT   After the mid-term elections, Susan JaffeThe Lancet‘s Washington correspondent, looks at the consequences for health-care legislation in the USA.

     In the first national election since Donald Trump won the presidency promising, among other things, to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Americans went to the polls this month still concerned about health care. It was the most important issue for 75% of Democrats and 23% of Republicans who voted in the Nov 6 elections, according to exit polls. But, unlike in 2016, voters handed Democrats—the party responsible for the ACA—their largest victory since Republican Richard Nixon resigned as president after the Watergate scandal….
     “Health care was on the ballot and health care won”, said the House of Representatives’ Democratic minority leader Nancy Pelosi of California, who is expected to become speaker of the house when the new Congress convenes in January. [Continued here.]

US Children’s Health Insurance Program in jeopardy

 Volume 390, Number 10114   
 23/30 December 2017


WORLD REPORT    Without adequate federal funding, CHIP is on the verge of collapse in several states. Susan Jaffe, The Lancet’s Washington correspondent, reports.

Whoever would have thought that health care for children—that has support on both sides of the aisle—would be in this situation?” asked Deborah Oswalt, executive director of the Virginia Health Care Foundation.  [full story here]



High stakes for research in US 2018 budget negotiations

Volume 390, Number  10099
 9 September 2017

WORLD REPORT    As Congress considers how to fund the government next year, scientists hope spending for research will not be curtailed. Susan Jaffe, The Lancet’s Washington correspondent, reports.  

The dramatic defeat of the Republicans’ Affordable Care Act (ACA) repeal legislation still looms over the US Capitol as Congress reconvenes this month for more tough decisions, including many that will affect health and science research programmes.  …The prospects for science funding will depend on competing budget pressures and political fissures. “There are a lot of moving parts and a lot of uncertainty”, said Matt Hourihan, at the American Association for the Advancement of Science. “And while a spending deal [agreement] is certainly possible, it’s hard to see how they get there from here.” [Continued here]…