Tag: Timothy Jost

State exemptions to the Affordable Care Act expanded

Volume 392, Number 10164 

15 December 2018


WORLD REPORT   In its latest blow to the ACA, the Trump administration provides guidance on how states can circumvent the health law. Susan JaffeThe Lancet‘s Washington correspondent, reports.

In its most far-reaching move yet, the Trump administration has reinterpreted a provision of the landmark Affordable Care Act so that states can apply for exemptions to some requirements of the health law for states. [Continued here.]


lancet cover 2    Volume 380, Issue 9855, Pages 1727 – 1728, 17 November 2012

WORLD REPORT    Implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is unlikely to run smoothly despite the Nov 6 election result. Susan Jaffe reports from Washington, DC.

Just 3 days after President Barack Obama’s re-election preserved his signature legislative achievement, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), his administration reset a deadline for states to take a crucial step toward implementing it. The delay in the wake of the health law’s dramatic affirmation—first by the US Supreme Court and then at the polls—is another reminder that the way forward may still encounter obstacles, even if the most serious threat was eliminated on Nov 6. [MORE]   [PDF]