Tag: Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services

Temporary CHIP funding falls short

Susan Jaffe | Washington Correspondent for The Lancet | 29th December 2017

Despite wide bipartisan support for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Congress agreed last week to continue coverage for 8.9 million children only through the end of Mthe-lancet-usa-blog-logo1arch. But several of the program’s state directors say the $2.85 billion rescue plan won’t even last that long, and federal health officials are not offering much reassurance.  [Continued here.]    Temporary CHIP 122917

US Children’s Health Insurance Program in jeopardy

 Volume 390, Number 10114   
 23/30 December 2017


WORLD REPORT    Without adequate federal funding, CHIP is on the verge of collapse in several states. Susan Jaffe, The Lancet’s Washington correspondent, reports.

Whoever would have thought that health care for children—that has support on both sides of the aisle—would be in this situation?” asked Deborah Oswalt, executive director of the Virginia Health Care Foundation.  [full story here]

